For the Community,

By the Community.

Upcoming Top 8 Events

Top 8 organises Hip-Hop events to promote all four elements of the Hip-Hop culture in Ireland: Breakin’, DJing, MCing & Graffiti.

A key focus area for Top 8 is supporting multiple ‘Streetdance’ styles including Breakin’, Hip-Hop, Popping, Afro and K.R.U.M.P.

Top 8 was founded in 2010 and later reformed by Tobi Omoteso and Deborah O’Connor in 2014.

“Under the colourful spotlights and on the beats of the DJ, the dancers fight for the title. The MC interacts with the audience, giving even more of a street dance vibe to the event and makes you feel like you're almost elsewhere, probably in America, not in Ireland anyway. Close to the stage, the audience scrutenises dancers' moves and expressions. The atmosphere is so energising that fellow dancers in the crowd are on the verge of jumping on stage and joining the battle.”



“Yet that’s a crucial part of the experience: that overflowing sense of community, of belonging, of everyone being in this experience together where the exhilaration is palpable, the dancing incredible. If, to the victor go the spoils, to each competitor goes genuine respect. Likewise, to Dublin Dance Festival, for programming what might arguably be one of the most energetic, dramatic and exhilarating experiences of the festival.”

- The ARTS REVIEW 2017